Join our School Food Revolution
We are working for a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet.
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Latest updates and news

Catering giant tops new ranking with planet-friendly menu
Brand new School Contract Caterer Ranking from ProVeg UK scores top caterers across England, with Dolce Schools…

ProVeg UK launches Contract Caterer Ranking
ProVeg UK has launched the first of its kind ranking of contract caterers across England to find the most…

ProVeg UK programme longlisted for Food Planet Prize
Saving Our Planet, One Plant-Rich School Lunch at a Time ProVeg UK’s School Plates programme has been longlisted…

Plant-based Cooking in Schools Workshop
Join us for our free online Plant-based Cooking in Schools Workshops and training. These sessions are aimed at caterers, individual schools, those running climate projects in schools, and anyone else who is interested in plant-based cooking or eating. We demonstrate how to prepare simple, affordable, nutritionally balanced and – most importantly – tasty plant-based recipes that we know children love!
We’d love to tell you more. Email us to talk about booking an in-person or online workshop, or to access our online workshops and training.
Catch up on the latest news from ProVeg…
We are ProVeg
Many of the world’s most pressing problems share a common cause – animal agriculture, which contributes to climate change, lifestyle diseases, global hunger, and animal suffering. ProVeg is dedicated to ushering change and raising awareness to tackle these problems through diet and food-systems transformation. Visit our International site to learn more.
5 good reasons to be ProVeg
Following a plant-based diet has a positive effect on…
Enjoy delicious food
Improve your health
Help build a fairer world
A better life for animals
Save the planet
Plant-based nutrition
Give it a try, we support you
More ways for you to get involved:
More About Us
Part of a bigger picture
ProVeg UK is part of ProVeg International, which has offices in 14 countries across four continents and is active around the world. Internationally, we work with decision-making bodies, companies, investors, the media, and the general public to help the world transition to a society and economy that are less reliant on animal agriculture and more sustainable for all humans, animals, and our planet.
Find out more about us

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You can help build a world where animals are not used for food and help more people transition to a plant-based diet.