
ProVeg UK programme longlisted for Food Planet Prize

Saving Our Planet, One Plant-Rich School Lunch at a Time ProVeg UK’s School Plates programme…

Image: ProVeg

ProVeg UK launches brand new plant-powered programme for schools 

This powerful educational initiative provides teachers with all the resources they need to engage pupils in meaningful conversations about what’s on their plates.

plant-based school menu

How to Create Award-Winning, Plant-Powered Menus: Top Tips for Schools

Creating nutritious, sustainable, and appealing menus for schools can be challenging, but it’s…

10 Steps for Sustainable Family Eating: Easy Ways to Eat Healthy, Planet-friendly Food

‘It’s not a question of all or nothing, but rather small changes for a large and positive impact.’…

Sausage and red pepper pizza

Processed foods: should they be on school menus?

When we think back to our days in the school cafeteria, memories of ultra-processed meat, chips…

jackfruit curry

Boosting Inclusivity and Empowerment with Plant-based School Dinners

It’s widely acknowledged that providing quality school dinners is a priority if we are to tackle…

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