Chickpea curry

There’s always time for a chickpea curry, with wonderful Indian flavors. You can make this simple curry in just about 30 minutes. It keeps and heats up well so don't be scared to make extra to save for later. It even tastes delicious cold or as a packed lunch.

 A chickpea curry and a healthy diet

Chickpeas are high in fibre and plant protein, and can be a delicious part of a healthy diet. Their robust taste combines perfectly with silver rice, with its nutty flavor and high bran content. Do you want to discover more chickpea recipes ? Check out our recipe for this chickpea cauliflower dish.

  • Preparation Time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 30 minutes


Servings: 2
  • 3/4 cup
    silver rice a type of brown rice
  • 4
  • 2 1/2 cups
  • 4 tsp
    mustard seeds
  • 3 tsp
    curry powder
  • 3 tbsp
    sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp
    sunflower oil
  • 1 handful
    fresh cilantro


  1. Heat half of the sunflower oil in a saucepan. Add half of the mustard seeds and wait until they start to pop.

  2. Add the rice and fry briefly until the rice starts to shine. Add plenty of boiling water and some salt, and let everything boil until the rice is well cooked. Then, drain the water.

  3. Meanwhile, you can prepare the curry. Firstly, cut the tomatoes into cubes.

  4. Heat up the rest of the oil and the mustard seeds in a frying pan, and wait until it starts to fry.
  5. Fry the tomatoes and the curry powder until the tomatoes start to fall apart.

  6. Rinse the chickpeas with cold water in a sieve or colander, and heat them up together with the tomatoes and sesame seeds for about five minutes.

  7. Serve with fresh cilantro, and season with salt and pepper.


Courses: lunch, Main Course
Cuisines: World
Type of dish: rice dish, salad
Season: autumn, spring, summer, winter
Taste: savory, spicy
Difficulty: level 1 (easy)
Cooking time: 15-30 minutes
Number ingredients: 5-10 ingredients
Preparation method: baking, cooking

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