Stuffed peppers with spicy marinated tofu

This recipe for vegan stuffed peppers is not for those with sensitive palates – but even more for those who enjoy spicy food. Before the top goes back on the pepper, it is filled with deliciously marinated tofu, corn and jalapeños.
8bell peppers small
250 gtofu
5 dropletschili oil
3 tbspcorn oil
50 gkalamata olives gutted
1lime thereof the peel
Cut off the top of the pepper and remove the stem, centre and core. Cut the tofu in cubes and marinate with chili oil, onion, jalapeños (in fine rings), lime peel and corn oil.
Cot off the corn grains of the cob and heat in olive oil until they get soft. Remove the lime peel from the marinade and stir in the corn grains. Add the finely sliced olives and fill the bell pepper with the mixture.
Add the top back onto the pepper, place into an oven dish and pour with the rest of the marinade. Let cook for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.
Serves well with rice.