The ProVeg Grants program is a credible and trusted platform through which philanthropists can support diet-change organizations and initiatives around the world.

Harness your impact – championing ethical food systems together
We manage a multi-donor pooled grantmaking fund in order to maximize the global impact of philanthropic investments and accelerate the global growth of alternatives to industrial animal agriculture. All contributions from the pooled fund reach our high-impact grantees around the world, who are working to accelerate the shift to fairer food systems and reduced animal consumption.
Donors can leverage ProVeg Grants’ well-established infrastructure to make a global impact by funding and strengthening advocates across the world to help build climate-friendly, animal-free food systems.
We specialize in:
Funding difficult-to-reach regions
Funding outside of the US
Creating efficient, simple, and timeous grantee experiences
Maintaining culturally appropriate practices with non-US grantees
Funding organizations and individuals
We offer a range of services to supporters, including:
We provide individualized consultations, backed by our extensive experience and knowledge of best practices, to help donors optimize their decision-making processes. This includes identifying and managing the most impactful opportunities that meet specific aims and regional interests.
Logistics and infrastructure
We offer a host of program services for donors who are looking to start up or get involved in a grants program without having to set up the infrastructure – which can put a strain on budgets and resources.
Our services include:
- Communications and outreach in order to raise interest levels among activists who are conducting high-calibre, impactful work in their communities.
- Maintaining a platform to inform grantees about best practices, respond to inquiries, and facilitate grant-application submissions.
- Reviewing grant applications based on predetermined criteria in order to identify high-quality proposals with impact potential.
- Processing all grants through a review committee in order to determine final funding decisions.
- Managing communications with grantee winners, declines, and alumni.
- Establishing legal agreements.
- Ensuring due diligence and compliance.
- Managing all processes surrounding international transfers and related accounting procedures.
- Providing regular funding reports to donors.
- Providing support to grantees, including expertise, guidelines, templates, and other resources, as well as connecting grantees with our vast network of contacts.
By making use of our experience, expertise and infrastructure, donors can focus entirely on funding decisions.

You support helps to transform the food system!
Every contribution to the pooled grantmaking fund leads to real change. Reach out to us and discover how you can create a lasting impact.