
ProVeg Ranking 2018: Vegan-friendly fast-food chains

<! Selected companies: The 5 biggest international companies in the fast food sector (measured…

Plant-based cheese – our test community give their verdict

The ProVeg test community is a service that ProVeg offers to companies, allowing them to test…

The ‘best in class’ plant-based products from SIAL

For many in the food industry, SIAL Paris, which took place from 21st to 25th October 2018…

Europe’s first plant-based startup incubator: Innovation with a mission

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed…

How ditching meat can help prevent climate change and nature degradation

Can humanity survive without climate security, forests, and a sufficient water supply? The…

Discussing food and climate at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco

In order to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, urgent actions on agriculture and land use…