Home » Plant-based food in Europe

Plant-based food in Europe

Market and consumer insights for food-industry professionals.

If you work in the European food industry, these are a must-read!

What does the European plant-based market look like? What are European consumers’ consumption habits and thoughts about plant-based food? Our latest reports draw on data from the Smart Protein survey of 7,500 citizens across Europe. We provide clear and actionable market research based on Nielsen retail scanning data and extensive consumer insights from across Europe. You’ll receive:

  • In-depth sales data
  • Market trends and the latest growth rates
  • Consumers’ consumption rates, behaviors, and motivations
  • Insights into consumer barriers to increased plant-based consumption


Not only is Germany the most important market for plant-based food in Europe when it comes to sales value, but it is also the country with the highest share of plant-based eaters and an impressive share of flexitarians. This report is a must-read for identifying business opportunities in the sector and examining German consumers’ attitudes towards plant-based foods.

Stephanie Jaczniakowska-McGirr

ProVeg International Head of Food Industry and Retail

United Kingdom

Among the analyzed countries, the UK has the highest sales value in terms of plant-based meat and one of the highest shares of vegetarians and vegans. This report gives detailed insight into UK consumers’ attitudes towards plant-based food and highlights the most lucrative opportunities for businesses in the UK.

Jimmy Pierson

ProVeg UK Director


The market of plant-based alternatives in Poland is growing very rapidly, as already 24% of Polish consumers identify as flexitarians, and 6% follow a plant-based diet (vegan and vegetarian). This report gives detailed insight into UK consumers’ attitudes towards plant-based food and highlights the most lucrative opportunities for businesses in Poland.

Marcin Tischner

Corporate Engagement & Sustainability Specialist at ProVeg Poland


El sector plant-based es uno de los más relevantes a nivel europeo, aún así, existe un amplio margen de mejora y expansión que los productores y profesionales de la alimentación pueden aprovechar. La sociedad española se muestra cada vez más interesada por las alternativas vegetales a los productos animales, y esta es una oportunidad que no se debería desaprovechar. Este informe es de obligatoria lectura para identificar las oportunidades de negocio y examinar las actitudes de los y las consumidoras de productos vegetales en España.

Verónica Larco

Directora de comunicación de ProVeg España