
Five people in green aprons and black hats smiling and posing enthusiastically inside a kitchen. They appear to be a team, fostering a sense of unity and teamwork.

Catering giant tops new ranking with planet-friendly menu

Brand new School Contract Caterer Ranking from ProVeg UK scores top caterers across England…

ProVeg UK programme longlisted for Food Planet Prize

Saving Our Planet, One Plant-Rich School Lunch at a Time ProVeg UK’s School Plates programme…

Supermarket Essentials for Veganuary 2022

It’s that time of year again, ProVeggies – Veganuary is here! Across the globe, curious and…

‘Immediate action’ needed in schools to tackle record obesity rates

Shocking new research was released yesterday that shows obesity rates in children are at a…

We are eating too much saturated fat and not enough fruit and vegetables

Public Health England have recently published a report that reveals some interesting statistics…

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