Agriculture featured in just 1.3% of climate-related articles that were analyzed

An analysis of data from the press monitoring tool Mediaboard shows a significant disparity in the coverage of environmental issues in the Czech media. The findings reveal a tendency to overlook the considerable impacts of agriculture on climate change, compared to those of the energy sector.
Despite agriculture being a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, topics concerning the global food system receive little coverage in Czech media outlets.
The analysis examined media coverage of climate change-related topics in 2023 with a focus on agriculture, energy, and food, and revealed a concerning trend. While energy-related discussions dominate the media landscape, with a substantial 45.50% coverage, agriculture, particularly in relation to meat and dairy, was addressed in a mere 1.32% of articles.
This imbalance signals insufficient awareness of the relationship between agriculture, food, and climate change.
“Our findings suggest that, despite increasing scientific evidence showing the negative impact of animal agriculture on the climate crisis, this issue is neglected in the media. It is essential for the media to reflect scientific evidence and contribute to a more informed public debate on the challenges we face,” said Martin Ranninger, Co-director of ProVeg Czechia.
ProVeg Czechia calls on Czech media to adopt a more balanced and comprehensive approach to reporting environmental issues across various sectors, including animal agriculture. The global food system accounts for more than a third of global greenhouse gas emissions, while animal-based foods emit twice as much greenhouse gas as plant-based foods.
“It is vital to acknowledge that we have never consumed more meat than we do now. This overconsumption is taking its toll on both human health and that of the planet. Despite this, the European Union pumps four times more money into animal farming than plant cultivation. The media needs to investigate and report on the profound impact that our dietary choices have on the environment,” said Eva Hemmerová, Communication Manager for ProVeg Czechia.
Although animal-based products supply only 35% of the calories and 65% of the protein consumed in the EU, the vast majority (82%) of the EU’s agricultural budget is spent on animal-based products.
This report presents a new viewpoint on how critical issues about the climate crisis are covered in the media, and advocates for a more responsible approach to informing the public.
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About ProVeg International
ProVeg International is a food awareness organization with the mission to replace 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040. Our vision is a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet.