COP27: Koronivia’s Future: The role of diet shift


Members of the media are invited to hear – live or online – about the future of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture and the role of diet shift at an event taking place on Saturday, November 12th from 2.30pm to 3.45pm (UTC +2) at the Food4Climate Pavilion in the Blue Zone of COP27 at Sharm El Sheik.

The event will be moderated by Raphaël Podselver of ProVeg International and will feature the following speakers: Anna Salminen from Finland’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Martial Bernoux of the UN FAO, Glindys Virginia Luciano of YPARD, Vivian Maduekeh from the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Eirini Pitsilidi from Compassion in World Farming, Martina Fleckenstein from WWF and Nayomie Prasad from 50by40.

A growing body of scientific research shows the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from food and agriculture in order to reach the Paris Agreement target of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. 

Only by applying a food systems approach that incorporates actions in all three of these areas can we meet global climate commitments, halt biodiversity loss and ensure food security and healthy diets for a growing population. A shift towards healthier and more plant-rich diets as well as the adoption of nature-positive food production practices, reduction of food loss and waste is more than urgently needed.

The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture is an initiative under the United Nations’ convention on climate change that aims to address the role of agriculture in climate action. Adopted in 2017, the initiative includes expert meetings and the organization of topic-specific workshops, such as manure management, food security, and livestock farming.

When: Saturday, November 12th from 2.30pm to 3.45pm (UTC +2)

Where: Food4Climate Pavilion (Area C Pavilion 136)  Blue Zone, COP27, Sharm El Sheik, Egypt (COP27 venue map)

Online attendees register here: Webinar Registration – Zoom

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