Innovations, sustainable diet trends, and news about the food industry – all at the New Food Forum


The New Food Forum is a unique B2B event taking place on 26 April in Prague that aims to inspire and accelerate the development of innovative solutions in the food industry.

You’ll hear about sustainable diet trends, how to set goals for non-financial reporting, and why the nutritional aspects of products, including fortification, are now more critical than ever.

The conference, brought to the Czech Republic by ProVeg Czechia, brings together retailers, food manufacturers, and startups that are aiming to expand or improve their selection of plant-based products.

This year’s conference will take place at the WPP Campus in Prague. The conference is presented in partnership with the retail chain Tesco and leading plant-based food brands Upfield, Perfect Canteen, Cibule, Garden Gourmet, Semix, and Frujo, and will include a presentation from advertising giant Ogilvy.

The rising trend of a plant-based diet is encouraging food manufacturers to expand their offer of plant-based alternatives to animal-based products, and we can see a growing interest in education in this area. Retailers are also developing innovative products under their private labels. The conference adapted to this in terms of theme and the choice of spacious WPP Campus facilities,” said ProVeg’s Ivana Procházková.

Tesco, which is the key partner of this year’s conference, offers more plant-based products every year as a part of a sustainable approach to food. They also attach importance to the emphasis on the nutritional aspects of the products, including fortification.

One of the main goals of our business is to help our customers eat healthier, more sustainably, and at an affordable price,” said Chris Gee, CE Product Director at Tesco. The food we eat is essential not only to our health but also to the health of our planet. At Tesco, we offer more than 250 plant-based alternatives and even more products without allergens, including lactose or milk. The increasingly popular plant-based products will be even more affordable thanks to our commitment to increasing sales by 300% by 2025.”

The availability of plant-based products is essential to overcoming barriers on the part of consumers. The conference will therefore focus on individual retailers who will discuss their commitments toward a sustainable plant-based future and will include representatives from Tesco, Billa, and Globus. The Ogilvy agency, an icon of the advertising industry dedicated to building brands, will focus on messaging around plant-based products in its presentation.

One of the partners of the conference is also one of the largest producers of plant-based meat alternatives. The Garden Gourmet brand from Nestle emphasizes the benefits of a plant-based diet and shows that this way of eating can be highly beneficial, both in terms of taste and nutritional composition and in terms of the health of our planet. “Just like the New Food Forum, we at Garden Gourmet see the future in innovation. We are constantly improving product recipes and perfecting their taste,” explains brand manager Emine Mamarasulova.

This edition of the conference will include interactive workshops for the first time. Guests will need to register in advance for one of the workshop programs, which include a focus on marketing, as well as plant-based cooking, and donut economics. Meanwhile, Perfect Canteen and Cibule will provide delicious plant-based catering throughout the day. The event agency M-ocean, which focuses on creating sustainable events, will ensure the smooth running of the entire event.

The New Food Forum will take place on April 26 in the modern workspaces of Prague’s WPP Campus. Conference partners include V-Label, Ogilvy, Frujo, Limenita, Wunderman Thomson, Pábení, Semix, and Vegetus. 

For more information about the conference, head over to


About ProVeg International

ProVeg is an international food awareness organization working to transform the global food system by replacing conventional animal-based products with plant-based and cultivated alternatives.

ProVeg works with international decision-making bodies, governments, food producers, investors, the media, and the general public to help the world transition to a society and economy that are less dependent on animal agriculture and more sustainable for humans, animals, and the planet.

ProVeg has permanent-observer status with the UNFCCC, is accredited for UNEA, and has received the United Nations’ Momentum for Change Award. ProVeg also has Observer Status at the IPCC.

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