ProVeg International unveils brand new website, offering enhanced user experience for plant-based living

New website makes it easier than ever to learn about the positive benefits of a plant-based lifestyle 

Food awareness organisation, ProVeg International, is excited to announce the launch of its completely new website, now live at 

The new website has a fresh new design as well as greatly improved user experience and accessibility, making it easier than ever for users to navigate and access a wealth of valuable information. The landing page of serves as a gateway to a diverse range of topics, offering insights into ProVeg’s corporate engagement work, innovations in the plant-based food sector, vital policy work promoting plant-based diets and some tasty recipes.

“The plant-based movement is booming and ProVeg is helping people and businesses to fully take part in shaping the movement’s success. We hope our new website will prove to be a useful tool to access the world of plant-based food, campaigns and much more,” Jasmijn de Boo, Global CEO at ProVeg, said.

Key Features of the New Website:

  1. Sustainable Living Tips: Explore a dedicated section offering tips on sustainable living and a delightful array of plant-based recipes.
  2. Business Section: Gain in-depth knowledge about corporate engagement and pioneering innovations within the plant-based food sector.
  3. Advocacy Resources: Learn how to organise, build a movement in your community, and effectively advocate for climate-friendly policies.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the world of cultivated, fermented, and plant-based foods through our media section.

To experience everything ProVeg and immerse yourself in the world of plant-based living, visit our new and improved website at


Notes to Editors

For media inquiries, email Peter Rixon and Jillian LaBruzzo at [email protected]

About ProVeg International

ProVeg International is a food awareness organisation with the mission to replace 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040. Our vision is a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet.

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