Young climate activist to promote plant-based diets in South Korea

Lana Weidgenant of ProVeg International will speak at Sejong Youth Forum on Friday


Lana Weidgenant, a young climate activist, will be promoting the message of “Diet Change Not Climate Change” at a government forum in South Korea this week.

Lana, a campaigns and policy manager at food awareness organisation ProVeg International, will be presenting at the 2022 Sejong Youth Forum, hosted by the Sejong Office of Education in South Korea on 21-22 July. 

Speaking to students aged 11-17 years of age and from different countries, Lana will use the opportunity to highlight the importance of shifting to a plant-based diet to tackle climate change.

She will also be urging people to take the Diet Change Not Climate Change pledge

“Switching to a plant-based diet is the most effective way an individual can help tackle the enormous  challenge we face with climate change,” Lana said.

“Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from animal agriculture are twice those from plant-based diets, so it really does make an impact to go plant-based,” she added.

The world’s scientists have already said this year, in the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that nations need to shift to more plant-based nutrition to tackle the climate crisis.

A study from Bonn University published in April stated that rich countries will need to reduce their meat consumption by up to 75% to meet international climate targets and avoid ecosystem collapse.

Lana will also be highlighting the importance of transitioning to plant-based diets when she travels to Egypt in November this year to attend COP27 – the annual UN climate change conference.


Notes to Editors

For media inquiries, email Lana Weidgenant at [email protected]

About ProVeg International

ProVeg is an international food awareness organisation working to transform the global food system by replacing conventional animal-based products with plant-based and cultured alternatives.

ProVeg works with international decision-making bodies, governments, food producers, investors, the media, and the general public to help the world transition to a society and economy that are less dependent on animal agriculture and more sustainable for humans, animals, and our planet.

ProVeg has permanent-observer status with the UNFCCC, is accredited for UNEA, and has received the United Nations’ Momentum for Change Award.


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