Pro Taste

5 tips for an easy plant-based breakfast

Do you sometimes feel at a loss about what to eat for breakfast? Get inspired with these ideas for simple and delicious plant-based breakfasts. Whether it’s a busy weekday morning or a slow start to the weekend, we’ve got you covered.


Overnight oats

This quick, simple and tasty breakfast concept has endless variations. Take a jar, add about 1/3 cup oats, 2 tablespoons of chia seeds, some salt and cinnamon. Add about a cup of plant milk and some water, shake well, and leave in the fridge overnight. The next morning, add some sweetener (e.g. maple syrup or agave) and use your creativity (and follow your tastebuds) to finish your overnight oats with toppings such as chopped strawberries or flaked coconut.


Cereal + milk

Many breakfast cereals are ‘accidentally vegan’, while most types of muesli and granola are also vegan-friendly. If you want a 100% plant-based breakfast, check the ingredients to make sure that they don’t contain honey. Try out some plant milk instead of cow’s milk: soy milk has good protein content, and almond milk is a popular option with a more neutral taste. There are many different brands and flavors available – try a few and choose your favorite.



These are perfect for a breakfast-on-the-go in warmer weather, but you’ll need a blender! Pop about one frozen banana in the blender (pro tip: buy bananas in bulk, and when they start approaching the “overripe” stage, peel them, break them into chunks, and freeze them!); add a handful of fruit (try mango, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, peach pieces). Add some oat flakes to make the smoothie thicker and a tablespoon or two full of chia, flax or hemp seeds as a source of omega-3. Then add a couple of dates for sweetness and a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor. Finish your smoothie with some plant milk or water, then blend and serve!


Scrambled tofu

Try this recipe on your egg-loving family and you’ll have them mystified: with the right kind of tofu and a pinch of the magic ingredient, kala namak, you’ll have yourself a scramble that’s every bit as eggy as the traditional version, but without all the saturated fat and cholesterol. First, crumble a block of tofu into a bowl and mix in some herbs, a bit of cumin, a pinch of turmeric and a little black salt (kala namak). Fry up some chopped onion and garlic, then add the tofu, along with your choice of veggies (e.g. chopped bell peppers, spinach, chopped tomato). Season with salt and pepper, and serve it up on some toast, alongside some plant-based sausages or vegan bacon!



This is an easy and familiar weekend breakfast treat that is so easy to veganize. Take your go-to traditional pancake recipe, and just make some easy substitutions: instead of butter, cow’s milk and eggs, use vegan butter or coconut oil, plant milk and egg replacer powder (or aquafaba).


Do you have more great breakfast ideas?

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