
9 reasons why young people should vote in the coming EU elections

With the EU elections just one week away, it’s vitally important for young voters to recognise the power of their voice and how it can shape their future and that of those coming after them. Whether you’re passionate about food systems, climate change, or social justice, as a young voter you have the unique opportunity to influence policies that will directly impact your own life and the lives of future generations. 

But why should you care and how does voting make a difference? We’ve come up with nine compelling reasons why casting your vote in the upcoming EU elections is more important than ever.

  1. You can shape the future of EU policy: by participating in the EU elections, you’ll  have a direct say in shaping the future of Europe and government policies for years to come. For example, by voting and choosing candidates who are putting the climate agenda front and centre, you can influence EU policies that set ambitious climate targets for the coming years and will help to build a more stable and sustainable future.
  2. You can ensure that young people are represented in government: young people are overwhelmingly underrepresented in policy-making. By casting your vote, your voice and concerns – and those of other young people – will be taken into account in the course of policy and decision-making processes, leading to policies that better reflect the needs of young people, such as the right to education and a sustainable future.
  3. You can help to protect your rights and the rights of the people and things you care about: the EU elections play a crucial role in protecting fundamental rights and freedoms, including those of young people. These rights and freedoms include access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. This is also an opportunity for you to support candidates who champion the rights of underrepresented groups in EU politics, such as women, minorities, and LGBQTIA+ people.
  4. You can help to build a sustainable future: By voting for candidates who support strategies that are ecologically and socially sustainable, you can help accelerate the transition to healthier and more sustainable diets. One example is the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy, which aims to make our food system fairer and more sustainable and resilient. You have the power to help create a European Parliament that plays a pivotal role in implementing this and other future-focused strategies.
  5. You can help to promote diversity: By voting for candidates from diverse backgrounds, young people can ensure greater levels of diversity and inclusion in EU institutions. This will help to ensure that different perspectives and narratives are represented.
  6. You can help to promote youth initiatives: By supporting candidates and parties that prioritise youth-focused initiatives and policies, young voters can ensure that their interests are taken seriously by policymakers.
  7. You can help to address global challenges: Many of the challenges facing the world today, such as climate change, migration, and economic inequality, require collective action at the EU level, which, in turn, engages with global issues. Young people can help to address these challenges by voting for candidates that take these issues seriously and understand that we are all interconnected.
  8. You can help to counter disinformation: by participating in elections, you can help to fight against disinformation and fake news. Supporting candidates and parties that promote evidence-based policies and facts and do not resort to conspiracy theories is one of the most effective ways to ensure a stable democracy.
  9. Your vote helps to strengthen the democratic process: by taking part in the EU elections, you are exercising your fundamental right to vote, a right that has been fought for and defended by millions of people. The simple act of going to the polls and voting contributes to the democratic process and helps to uphold the principles of democracy and freedom. By ensuring that the voice of the people is heard, voting further strengthens democratic institutions.

The upcoming EU elections are a crucial opportunity for young people to shape their own future. By voting, you are expressing your fundamental right to help determine the direction of the society you live in, and influence policy decisions on issues that directly affect your daily life and the future of the planet. Your voice matters because building a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous EU matters. So, let’s harness our collective power to advocate for the changes we want to see – get informed, take action, and make your vote count! Let’s make sure that our voices are heard so that we can drive the change we want to see and build the world we want to live in.

Let’s talk about the 2024 EU Elections: Share your thoughts in our poll

With the 2024 EU elections just around the corner, we want to ask you to share your thoughts. Whether you’re a seasoned voter, new to the democratic scene, or even if you’re not based in the EU, we want to hear from you!

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