
Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) in 2022

ProVeg International and Brighter Green submit key recommendations for an urgent shift towards sustainable food systems to the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) at UNFCCC Climate Dialog sessions.

ProVeg participates in Global Youth Food Workshop

During the recent Earth Week, ProVeg’s Lana Weidgenant traveled to Nairobi and Naivasha in Kenya for the Act4Food Act4Change workshop, which gathered young people who are active in food-systems work.

people buying food at a market

Plant-rich diets contribute to global food security

In the wake of  the COVID-19 crisis, there’s no doubt that food security needs to be tackled…

Image of cereals being harvested

Food-system change is needed for human survival

Changes in the market and a transformation of the food system are needed if we are to keep the global rise in temperature below 2°C.

youth teamwork

Diet Change Not Climate Change Youth Board Launched!

ProVeg International is excited to announce the launch of our DCNCC Youth Board, with 10 amazing young people from around the world joining.

Building a kinder future with cellular agriculture

In January 2022, Mosa Meat published a peer-reviewed paper revealing how it achieves muscle differentiation without fetal bovine serum (FBS).