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Chickpeas: the little pulses with huge potential

Chickpeas are one of four high-potential crops that the Smart Protein project is focusing on, along with fava beans, quinoa, and lentils. These powerful little pulses stand out due to their strong nutrition profile and a wide diversity of uses. They can be integrated into various diets in many different and extremely delicious ways. Let’s dive into the world of chickpeas.

Why chickpeas deserve the ‘smart’ attribute 

The EU-funded Smart Protein project, with over 30 international partners, focuses on the development of alternative plant-based protein ingredients and products for human consumption. Smart Protein and chickpeas belong together. They and other crops, such as fava beans, quinoa, and lentils, bring numerous benefits. Their potential lies in a positive impact on the bio-economy, environment, biodiversity, nutrition, food security, and consumer trust and acceptance.

While it’s a no-brainer that chickpeas are rich in protein, what is it about them that is ‘smart’? They are nutritious, have a lower impact on the planet compared to animal-based foods, are affordable, accessible, and have a broad range of culinary applications. All of which makes them pretty smart!

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