Corporate Engagement

Famous Dutch apple crumble goes plant-based

Having a birthday just became a lot easier for vegans in the Netherlands. The Dutch department store, HEMA, recently updated and improved the recipe for their famous apple crumble. The company removed all animal-based ingredients from the crumble, making it 100% plant-based.


A delicious, 100% plant-based apple crumble


“We are extremely pleased that the Dutch department store HEMA is leading the way in terms of plant-based innovation,” said Veerle Vrindts, director of ProVeg Netherlands. “With their newly vegan apple crumble, HEMA is making the Netherlands’ iconic national pastry accessible to the ever-growing group of people who do not want to consume dairy products and/or eggs, or who are unable to do so due to allergies. The new, 100% plant-based recipe is now the only recipe in use, effectively replacing the original.”


ProVeg is committed to working with food manufacturers to encourage the availability of plant-based foods. We first contacted HEMA in 2017 during our egg-free campaign, calling on them to introduce vegan cakes. This led to them making an initial commitment to do so and it is wonderful to see that they have followed through on their promises. ProVeg also provided consulting services to HEMA, giving advice and guidance on how best to replace eggs and dairy.

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