
Mock COP 26: An event run by young climate activists

The Mock COP26 was led by a group of young people dedicated to creating a set of climate targets ahead of the COP26 and took place from November 19 to December 2, 2020.

COP26, originally planned for November 2020 in Glasgow, has been postponed until next year (now scheduled for November 2021) due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Mock COP26 aimed to fill the void with “a big, inclusive online conference run by youth showing what ambition looks like”. On November 27 and 28, different caucuses debated policy ideas on several topics, including climate education, climate justice, climate-resilient livelihoods, health and wellbeing, and nationally determined contributions. Juliette Tronchon, from ProVeg International, together with Celine Fabrequette (Ecolise) and Dinh-Long Pham (UNDP), facilitated the debate in the French-speaking caucus. As a result of these discussions, the Mock COP26 released its final global statement on 1 December. In addition to numerous ambitious measures, the treaty includes three significant demands for climate-resilient livelihoods, urging countries to support not only sustainable agriculture, but also “policies [that] shall support investing in plant-based food alternatives and technological innovations such as cellular agriculture” (Mock COP26 Treaty, demand 3.2 page 11). 


The hard work and dedication of this younger generation offers a lot of hope about the potential of the coming climate conference. In 2021, ProVeg aims to keep the momentum for change going and push the political decisions in the right direction.

Treaty: https://www.mockcop.org/treaty/

Website: https://www.mockcop.org/

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