One of them sells 40 million meat substitutes per year, making them one of the largest producers of such products in Europe. The other has helped 300,000 people to reduce their meat consumption. Thanks to a new partnership, Vivera and ProVeg are now working together towards a more plant-based future.
“I do not see myself as an activist, but as someone who is open to breaking habits. I want to get as many people as possible on board,” says Willem van Weede, CEO of Vivera. “I also recognize this approach in ProVeg’s non-preachy and impact-oriented communication. What I appreciate about the organization is their optimism, creativity, and encouragement of all the small steps involved in reducing meat consumption. I would very much like to contribute to that effort with Vivera”.
In a few years, many people will look back at eating meat as anti-social behavior.
“It was a logical choice, both rationally and ideologically,” says Willem. “I have children aged between 17 and 21. They are worried about the future of the earth – their future. I’ve seen documentaries such as An Inconvenient Truth, Forks Over Knives, and A Life On Our Planet. All of them present similar concerns. I know we have reached a tipping point – you can stubbornly look away or go full steam ahead and break with convention. In a few years, many people will look back at eating meat as antisocial behavior. That is why Vivera is going completely plant-based and why we’re casting the yoke of meat from our shoulders. We also want to make the few products of ours that still contain cheese 100% plant-based as soon as possible. We are fully committed to ProVeg’s mission to at least halve worldwide meat consumption and production by 2040. And I am optimistic that we will succeed if we work together”.
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This is the motto of Veerle Vrindts, Director of ProVeg Netherlands. “Alternatives with the flavor and texture of meat have made it so much easier for me to eat plant-based food,” says Vrindts. “When I stopped eating animals, Vivera was one of the few meat alternatives in the supermarket. Especially in social situations, such as a barbecue or Christmas party, I am all too happy to be able to share my vegan steak or burger with family and friends. What usually follows is disbelief: ‘if this is what plant-based meat tastes like, then I want to try it more often’.
We hope that our cooperation with Vivera will create a snowball effect.
As part of the partnership, the Veggie Challenge will be featured on all Vivera packaging: a staggering 40 million products per year. In addition, Vivera will participate in the large-scale Veggie Challenge campaign in January 2021. The Veggie Challenge is an easy and fun way to reduce your consumption of meat and dairy products. In the Veggie Challenge app, which can be downloaded free of charge from all app stores, participants determine their own challenge and receive recipes, weekly menus, and tips to eat more plants and fewer animal-based products for 30 days.
“I myself have participated in the Veggie Challenge several times,” says Van Weede enthusiastically. “Last February I went vegetarian for a whole month. During that period I felt more alert, energetic, and lighter. At the moment, I only eat meat once every fortnight, at most. Especially when I’m traveling, I sometimes find it difficult to find tasty plant-based options. Alternatives to meat have to be so sexy that entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry dare to take the plunge as well.”
“Any positive experience with animal-free meat creates an incentive to try it more often, to change your routine,” adds Vrindts. “With our collaboration with Vivera, we hope to create a snowball effect, both among consumers and among businesses that want to work together for a plant-based future.”
Read more about the Veggie Challenge
Eating less meat for thirty days with the Veggie Challenge: it’s good for your body, the planet, and it saves animals’ lives. Get off to a healthy start with your own personal challenge. We will help you on your way with free tips, recipes, and guidance.