Pro Environment

Preserving biodiversity – why it’s important!

To mark World Biodiversity Day, ProVeg’s Peter Machen talks to renowned ecologist David Tilman about biodiversity, why it’s important, the relationship between our diets and biodiversity, and what governments and we as individuals can do to support the preservation of biodiversity on our one and only planet.

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Brown lentils in a bowl

Tips for cooking with: Lentils

Welcome to ProVeg’s 101 series, where we make plant-based cooking easy and exciting! This Veganuary…

Bowl of hummus

Tips for cooking with: Chickpeas

Welcome to ProVeg’s 101 series for plant-based cooking! This Veganuary, why not try the humble…

Getting comfortable: a social survival guide

Navigating social life when you’re following a plant-based diet can sometimes feel daunting…

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