Pro Environment

ProVeg accredited to the UN Environment Assembly


We are very happy to announce that ProVeg has gained accreditation at the UN Environment Assembly, which takes place every two years and whose next edition will be in Nairobi in January 2021.

The work of UN Environment is becoming increasingly important as topics such as biodiversity loss, soil erosion, and deforestation finally gain traction in the public and political spheres. 

 “ProVeg’s status as an accredited organization means that we are able to increase our global impact on a structural and institutional level, which is key to the systemic change that is at the core of ProVeg’s mission.”

Raphael Podselver, Political Outreach, ProVeg International

What does accreditation mean for ProVeg?

Accreditation is the key entry point for stakeholders into policy dialog at UN Environment. Accredited organizations are free to participate in regional consultation meetings which take place in preparation for the Assembly. They are also authorized to contribute to the preparation of regional civil society statements and are given access to the working documents of the Assembly at the same time as the Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR). (The CPR consists of all accredited permanent representatives to the UN Environment Program.) Accredited organizations can submit written contributions to these working documents for distribution to national governments, as well as participate in public meetings of the CPR, the Assembly, and the Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum, an associated meeting of the Assembly.

Opportunity to contribute to the global conversation on deforestation

ProVeg’s main focus at the Assembly will be to highlight the link between resource-intensive diets and deforestation. We will also address biodiversity loss and show how a global shift towards a more plant-based diet can be one of the direct solutions and one which requires urgent implementation.  

ProVeg heard on the global stage

During the event, we will attend the plenary sessions and ministerial consultations as an observer, and exchange views and engage with governments that are present. We will circulate written statements to national governments, if needed, via the UN Environment Secretariat, and we are permitted to make oral statements during the discussions of the Assembly.

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