Pro Environment

ProVeg joins the One Planet Network

We are thrilled to announce that ProVeg International has been accepted into the One Planet Network and will contribute to their Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Program. The program was launched in October 2015 and is a multi-stakeholder partnership focused on catalyzing more sustainable food-consumption and -production patterns.

The benefits of being a partner of the SFS Program

Being a partner of the SFS Program provides several opportunities, including:

  • Participation in SFS Program activities and working with other partner organizations to develop innovative projects.
  • Affiliation of our existing projects and activities with the SFS Program.
  • Participation in SFS conferences and workshops.
  • Inclusion in the programme’s information flow, providing ProVeg with greater visibility.

An opportunity to accelerate the food systems shift

The main goal of the SFS Program is to accelerate the shift to more sustainable food systems. As a partner, ProVeg International will be able to push innovative and sustainable solutions based on a shift to more plant-rich food systems to the center of the current discussions, at both national and international levels. This new partnership will open up new possibilities, amplify our voice in civil society, and allow us to engage directly with representatives of national governments.

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