Pro Environment

Pragmatic solutions at the Reducetarian Summit 2019


The third edition of the Reducetarian Summit took place in Washington DC, USA, from 27-29 September. The event was attended by Sebastian Joy, ProVeg US Director Michael Webermann, and ProVeg Campaign Manager Sean Mackenney, as well as representatives from the collective-impact organization 50by40. The event attracted hundreds of participants from various industries, including tech entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, journalists, environmentalists, CEOs, animal advocates, nutritionists, and non-profit executives.

A pragmatic approach to reducing

The goal of the summit, which featured nearly 100 speakers, panelists, and exhibitors, was to bring together people and perspectives from all corners of the world to explore strategies and tactics for reducing the global consumption of animal products and ending factory farming. In addition to several moderated panels, flash talks, and fireside chats, there were also several skills-building workshops and curated networking opportunities. The summit complements The Reducetarian Cookbook and The Reducetarian Solution, and included a full expo showcasing delicious plant-based food.


Organized by the Reducetarian Foundation, the summit advocates for a pragmatic approach to reducing (and eventually eliminating) animal products from our diets. Its multipronged perspective and influencing-the-influencers methodology aligns with ProVeg strategy, so we were very happy to be there.

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An inclusive space with many voices

The event was another example of how the reducetarian movement is growing at an incredible speed. By offering a space for engagement between vegans, vegetarians, reducetarians and omnivores, the summit provides a platform for different voices and opinions about the ways in which the food system can be transformed. Discussions highlighted the importance of approaching change at both a grassroots and institutional level, as well as the need to work more effectively with our allies to establish stronger cross-movement mobility. It was also acknowledged that diversity and inclusion remain key issues that need to be addressed by the movement as a whole.



“The Reducetarian Summit offered fascinating insights into the latest advances within the movement and provided a unique platform for pragmatic game-changers to connect and collaborate.”

Sean MacKenney, ProVeg Campaign Manager


The keynote speech was delivered by Jonathan Safran Foer, acclaimed author of the book, We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast, in which he argues the case for encouraging people to go vegan until 6pm. Other topics covered included dietary change in institutions, plant-based food on a budget, lobbying to influence government, investing in breakout food technology, how to strategically support non-profit organizations, marketing plant-based products and ingredients, and how to make the fashion industry more sustainable and compassionate.


The next edition of the Reducetarian Summit takes place 11-13 September 2020 in San Francisco. For more information about the summit, go to

Want to learn more about reducing?

While moving to a more plant-based diet may seem like a challenge, we show that plant-based living is easier and more convenient than ever before. Read our articles to find out how you can easily reduce and live a more plant-based lifestyle.


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