Corporate Engagement

The Smart Protein Project: What do consumers want?

Smart Protein recently brought together a panel of expert speakers who shared knowledge gained from market trends, consumer surveys, and retail insights into what consumers are looking for in the plant-based product aisle. Read on to find out more about consumer preferences and how the Smart Protein project is paving the way towards alternative plant-based-protein ingredients and products.

By Collette Rowell

Cheese and meat alternatives still on top

Consumers want more plant-based options and are not satisfied with the current offerings in any product category, says Dr. Kai-Brit Bechtold, Senior Research Scientist at ProVeg International. But what are the specific products that stand out and are most desired by consumers?

In ProVeg International’s European Consumer Survey, flexitarians – the main target group for plant-based foods1  – expressed a high potential demand for plant-based cheese, ready meals, and meat alternatives that mimic meat. Plant-based eaters also stated cheese as their most wanted product, urging manufacturers and retailers to crack the code for tasty, more affordable, and healthier alternatives, as well as different varieties.

Additionally, the survey emphasizes the high consumption rates of plant-based milk, meat, and yogurt, meaning that these products have already been adopted by consumers.


  1. The NPD Group 2019: The Future Of Plant-Based Snapshot, available at:

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