Pro Health

Together, we can get through this


These are stressful, sad and scary times. We’re in uncharted waters as many parts of the world are in, or close to, shutdown. None of us have ever lived through an event like this before, and there’s so much that’s worrying and daunting right now.

As a follower of ProVeg, you’re interested in finding solutions on how to tackle the world’s most urgent problems. Especially in these times, it’s important to appreciate our community. We know that this crisis may be hitting some of you especially hard. 

We don’t know exactly when COVID-19 will be under control, but we want to let you know that we will keep working on finding ways to create a world wherein everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and the planet. We don’t give up, we adjust. We’re going to get through this, together, and create a more compassionate, healthy, and sustainable future.

“Protecting your health and that of your loved ones is most important right now. We are all in this together, protecting our collective futures.”

Sebastian Joy, Director, ProVeg International

We know this to be true, because we’ve got people like you on our side. It’s heroes like you who make the world a better place and power our work. Although this situation is very difficult, we are positive about the future. 

Be safe, stay at home and watch this space, as we will keep strengthening the plant-based community and food industry.


Sebastian Joy & Jasmijn de Boo ProVeg Executive Team

5 reasons to be ProVeg

ProVeg is dedicated to raising awareness of how we can tackle the world’s most urgent problems through diet.


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