
Matthew Glover

“It’s there for the taking”: An Interview with Veganuary co-founder Matthew Glover

Since launching in 2014, an estimated two million people have taken the pledge. I asked Glover how the plant-based market has changed over the past eight years.

The 10 best vegan books for beginners and long-time vegans

Attention bookworms! ProVeg presents 10 of the most inspiring and helpful books about veganism…

December Highlights from the plant-based and cultured-food sector: The plant-based market looks set to accelerate even faster in 2022

As 2022 kicks in, it’s already evident that the shift towards plant-based and cultured eating is set to continue accelerating.

Cultured and plant-based ingredients: the best of both worlds

Combining plant-based and cultured ingredients allows for the development of a new generation of products that have the potential to be tasty, healthy, affordable, and sustainable.

November 2021 highlights from the plant-based and cultured-food sector: New Evidence Finds Most Shoppers “Most Likely Never to Visit” a Dedicated Vegan Supermarket Aisle

Key developments this month include the regulatory approval of Eat Just’s pourable egg product, and the launch of Perfect Day’s cream cheese, made from cultured milk proteins. Read on to find out more.

reducetarian movement

Brian Kateman, the face of the reducetarian movement, on swaps and sauces

Brian Kateman is the President and Co-founder of the Reducetarian Foundation. In this interview…