
Cat and dog in grass

Can you feed your dog or cat a plant-based diet?

Recent research suggests that there is little evidence of negative health outcomes in dogs and cats that are fed nutritionally complete plant-based diets.

Looking back on COP28 and forward to COP29

The UN Advocacy Team at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) Now that all the dust has…

Cooking your beans from scratch

When you have time to plan meals, food prepping can make your life easier, belly fuller, and grocery bill cheaper. A great way to do that is by cooking beans from scratch, using simple, dried beans.

Seven countries leading the way in plant-based food policies in 2024

In a world where consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental and health impact…

Bowls of vegetable broth

Minimize food waste by making your own vegetable stock

Food waste is an unavoidable part of cooking – even when making something as convenient as soup. However, if you’re resourceful, you can make something delicious out of your leftover vegetables.

Discover your dream career with the 2040 Quiz

In a world that’s changing faster than ever, planning for your future is crucial. If you’re looking for an exciting career path that aligns with your skills and values, the 2040 Quiz is here to help.