Pro Taste

ProVeg launches Food Innovation Challenge in Asia-Pacific region


The ProVeg Food Innovation Challenge invites college and university students across the Asia-Pacific region to take part in a unique and exciting competition to further develop plant-based products.

Expanding our reach to new regions

After a successful inaugural edition of the Food Innovation Challenge in China in 2020, the challenge was expanded in 2021 to include South-East Asia. And this year, ProVeg goes even further, with the 2022 edition of the competition encompassing the entire Asia-Pacific region (APAC).

The aim of the ProVeg Food Innovation Challenge APAC 2022 is to encourage students to accelerate plant-based food innovation in the region. The challenge will allow students to gain valuable insights into this exciting and fast-growing sector, while channeling their creativity and skills toward solving some of the biggest challenges facing the world today. Students participating in the challenge can choose between different challenge sets featuring products from corporate partners Oatly, Beyond Meat, CPF, Unilever, Haofood, or OMNI.

The finalists of the challenge will have the opportunity to win a share of cash awards totalling 10,000 USD, as well as receiving expert mentoring from key industry professionals, and getting the chance to network with peers and representatives from leading organizations in the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, students will have access to potential internships and employment opportunities with leading food-and-beverage companies.

“Asia presents the largest opportunity for plant-based diets, with such a wide variety of exciting ingredients.”

Shirley Lu

Managing Director ProVeg Asia

The enormous potential of Generation Z

In order to tap into the enormous opportunity to truly transform our food systems, innovation is vital. Asia needs more tasty, healthy, and convenient plant-based products that target all kinds of consumers, not just people who follow a plant-based diet. This is where Generation Z comes in. The challenge is targetting college and university students in recognition of the generation’s extreme talent and creativity. 

ProVeg is inviting university students from all academic disciplines enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs in the Asia-Pacific region to take part in the challenge. We’re looking forward to seeing what the students have to offer.

ProVeg expands its global reach to China

We are delighted to announce that ProVeg is the first global NGO promoting alternative proteins to be given approval for a representative office in Shanghai, China.


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