COP27 event: Future resilient and sustainable food systems: scaling up plant-based innovation and cellular agriculture


Members of the media are invited – live or online – to join ProVeg International’s event focused on plant-based innovation and cellular agriculture, taking place on Saturday, November 12th from 9.15am -10.30am (UTC +2) at the Food4Climate Pavilion in the Blue Zone of COP27, Sharm El Sheik.

The program will be hosted by the global food awareness organization, ProVeg International, featuring Jens Tuider and Raphaël Podselver of ProVeg International, Pat Brown of Impossible Foods, Malte Clausen of Boston Consulting Group, Cecilia McAleavey of Oatly, and Sally Smith of Upfield

While our current food system accounts for one third of total Greenhouse Gas Emissions, animal agriculture alone is responsible for 20% of total emissions. Evidence shows that we won’t be able to achieve the Paris Agreement (or the SDGs) without fundamentally changing our production and consumption patterns around food. 

Alternative proteins have a massive mitigation potential, as shown in the latest IPCC report that explicitly mentions plant-based and cellular agriculture as part of the solution landscape. The October 2022 Emission Gap report by UN Environment also mentions the necessity for governments to develop novel foods to cut down emissions. How can we support food innovation to help consumers shift towards less resource intensive and healthier diets? 

What: Future resilient and sustainable food systems: scaling up plant-based innovation and cellular agriculture.

When: Saturday, November 12th, 2022 from 9.15am – 10.30am (UTC +2) 

Where: Food4Climate Pavilion, (Area C, Pavilion 136) Blue Zone, COP27, Sharm El Sheik, Egypt (COP27 venue map)

Online attendees register here: Webinar Registration – Zoom


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