COP27 Press Conference: Sustainable proteins: from vision to scale


Members of the media are invited to a press conference at COP27 in Sharm El Sheik on Monday, November 14th from 10am to 10.30am (UTC +2) in the Luxor Press Conference Room (No 22 COP27 venue map) on the subject of scaling up sustainable proteins.

Hosted by ProVeg International and Good Food Institute Israel, the event will feature Patrick Brown from Impossible Foods, Alla Voldman from Good Food Institute Israel, Didier Toubia from Aleph Farms and Raphaël Podselver from ProVeg International.

The event will focus on advancing alternative protein ecosystems and industries and discuss lessons and insights governments could employ to promote alternative proteins as a strategic national asset.

What: Sustainable proteins: from vision to scale

When: Monday, November 14th, 10am to 10.30am (UTC +2) 

Where: Luxor Press Conference Room, Blue Zone, COP27, Sharm El Sheik, Egypt (No 22 COP27 venue map)


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