ProVeg welcomes Lidl’s decision to increase plant-based offerings

ProVeg International has today welcomed the announcement that major food retailer, Lidl, is to increase its plant-based offerings and reduce animal-based products as part of a strategy to reduce the company’s environmental impact. 

“Lidl has taken a bold and necessary step to help consumers transition to a more plant-based diet. Animal agriculture is responsible for 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions and shifting to plant-based diets is an effective way to reduce those emissions,” Stephanie Jaczniakowska-McGirr, Director of Corporate Engagement at ProVeg, said. 

“We urge other retailers to follow in the footsteps of Lidl and actively increase their plant-based offerings to support the growing number of people following flexitarian, vegetarian and vegan diets,” Jaczniakowska-McGirr added.

Lidl’s chief buyer, Christof Graf, made the announcement to decrease animal protein and increase plant protein at Germany’s biggest agricultural show, Green Week, in January. He said that there was “no alternative” because “there is no second planet”.

ProVeg and Lidl co-operation

ProVeg and Lidl Germany have been working closely together since 2019 to promote the expansion of the retailer’s plant-based product range and tap into the growing audience of people who want to integrate more plant-based foods into their lives.



Notes to Editors

For press inquiries, email Peter Rixon at [email protected]


About ProVeg International 

ProVeg is an international food awareness organization working to transform the global food system by replacing conventional animal-based products with plant-based and cultured alternatives.

ProVeg works with international decision-making bodies, governments, food producers, investors, the media, and the general public to help the world transition to a society and economy that are less dependent on animal agriculture and more sustainable for humans, animals, and the planet.

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