Vegan herring salad

Beetroot harmonizes wonderfully with fried eggplant, sour apple, and gherkins in this update of this classic dish, while soy yogurt makes the salad nice and creamy. A sheet of nori provides the taste of fish, making the vegan herring salad very similar to the original.

This vegan recipe provided courtesy of Patrick Bolk’s German-published cookbook So geht vegan!


  • 1
  • lemon juice to taste
  • salt to taste
  • 1 sheet
  • 1
    sour apple
  • 2-3
    beetroots pre-cooked
  • 1
    red onion small
  • 5
  • 200 grams
    soy yogurt unsweetened
  • 2-3 tbsp
    gherkin stock
  • 1-2 tbsp
    dill grated
  • pepper coarsely ground, to taste
  • 1 tbsp
    oil neutral-tasting


  1. Peel the aubergine and cut it into slices lengthwise, then cut these into approximately 4-by-2 centimeter pieces and lay them out on a wooden board. Sprinkle both sides with lemon juice and salt. Then weigh down with another wooden board and some books and leave to rest for at least 1 hour.
  2. Tear the nori sheet into medium-size strips and soak them in water, also for at least 1 hour.
  3. Finely dice the apple, beetroot, onion, and gherkins, and fold them into the yogurt. Remove the nori from the water, finely chop it, and stir into the mixture. Season with gherkin stock, dill, salt, and pepper.
  4. Dab the aubergine pieces dry and then fry them in an oiled pan that has been preheated to a high temperature. Then allow them to cool completely. Carefully fold the cooled aubergine pieces into the yogurt mixture.


Tip: Serve the vegan herring salad with bread.

About the author

Patrick Bolk


Courses: Side Dish, Starter
Type of dish: Salad
Cooking time: 15-30 minutes
Cuisines: German
Season: Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter
Preparation method: Mixing
Taste: Savory
Number ingredients: 10-15 ingredients

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