Home ยป Nutritional assessment of plant-based meat and milk alternatives

Nutritional assessment of plant-based meat and milk alternatives

Our research aims to assess plant-based alternative ranges (meat, milk and fish alternatives that mimic taste, texture and purpose of their animal-based counterparts) available in supermarkets across 11 countries (Germany, Netherlands, USA, UK, Italy, South Africa, Czechia, Spain, China, Malaysia, Poland) and four continents to understand:

  • Product nutritional performance, and how this compares to animal-based equivalents (e.g., plant-based sausage and pork sausage)
  • How products are sold and marketed (price and placement), and how this compares to animal-based equivalents
  • The influence of policy levers on product nutritional performance

Based on this data, and insights that you and other retail and manufacturing stakeholders provide, we will develop market-specific actionable insights to guide plant-based product development.