Home » The New Food Hub Podcast: Getting the meat-eaters on board

The New Food Hub Podcast: Getting the meat-eaters on board

Welcome to the second episode of our alternative protein podcast series 

In last month’s episode, we discussed the rise of the plant-based market, looking at how and why the industry has grown and where it currently stands.

This time, we’re turning the conversation to consumers. Like any industry, the success of alternative proteins depends on consumer uptake.

In particular, it’s important to reach people who are less engaged, have had a bad experience, or have not yet tried animal-free alternatives. The vegans and veggies are on board, the key demographic we need to focus on now is meat-eating consumers.

So, in today’s episode, ProVeg’s Gemma Tadman will be discussing strategies and insights for engaging these consumers. And her guest is someone who spends a lot of time working on this – Vladimir Mickovik, Co-Founder and Chief Brand Officer of plant-based meat brand Juicy Marbles

Tune in for some honest industry advice, actionable insights, and laughs along the way.

Access series one of The New Food Hub Podcast, Navigating the future of alternative proteins, episode two, Getting the meat-eaters on board, on Spotify and Amazon Music, and watch above, or listen below.

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